Choreography as collective process
Guest: Zoë Knights
This new podcast is a dedicated space for talking about vocal practices and how they are inextricably linked to a deeper investigation of the materiality of breath itself. It emerged from the multiple encounters of the Aerosol Lab, where artists exchanged thoughts and practices around expanded aurality, flesh, masks and membranes. The sixth episode is a heartfelt conversation with choreographer and performer Zoë Knights. Connecting with us from Frankfurt am Main, we shared questions about her practice and thought together about the agency of listening. Pivoting at the complex intersection of translating sensation into vocal and physical movement, she spoke about composing as building relation with the environment. The audio excerpts feature snippets from the new audio-visual work “æ” created specifically for digital transmission.
Hosted and produced by Jule Flierl and Mika Hayashi Ebbesen, edited by Mars Dietz and supported by the National Performance Network – Stepping Out, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR Assistance Program for Dance.

19 JULY 2021
The unresolvable transmission of sonic activism
Guest: Edyta JarzÄ…b
This new podcast is a dedicated space for talking about vocal practices and how they are inextricably linked to a deeper investigation of the materiality of breath itself. It emerged from the multiple encounters of the Aerosol Lab, where artists exchanged thoughts and practices around expanded aurality, flesh, masks and membranes. The fifth episode is a whirlwind conversation with activist and performance/sound artist Edyta JarzÄ…b. She shared many wonderful and frank accounts of how the voice and its usage has cut across the private and public spheres during a year of protest. The audio excerpts come from “INMI”, a multimedia work featuring animation by Marcin Kosakowski.
Hosted and produced by Jule Flierl and Mika Hayashi Ebbesen, edited by Mars Dietz and supported by the National Performance Network – Stepping Out, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR Assistance Program for Dance.

03 JULY 2021
The tasty solo of the fly
Guests: Myriam Van Imschoot + Federico Protto
This new podcast is a dedicated space for talking about vocal practices and how they are inextricably linked to a deeper investigation of the materiality of breath itself. It emerged from the multiple encounters of the Aerosol Lab, where artists exchanged thoughts and practices around expanded aurality, flesh, masks and membranes. The fourth episode is a conversation shared with performance and voice artist Myriam Van Imschoot and pluri-disciplinary creator Federico Protto. Their thoughts are intercut with excerpts from “Three Studies for Mask”, a collaborative performance in three parts created this winter.
Hosted and produced by Jule Flierl and Mika Hayashi Ebbesen, edited by Mars Dietz and supported by the National Performance Network – Stepping Out, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR Assistance Program for Dance.

21 JUNE 2021
Imagination creates a body
Guest: Anna Nowicka
This new podcast is a dedicated space for talking about vocal practices and how they are inextricably linked to a deeper investigation of the materiality of breath itself. It emerged from the multiple encounters of the Aerosol Lab, where artists exchanged thoughts and practices around expanded aurality, flesh, masks and membranes. The third episode is animated by our conversation with choreographer Anna Nowicka and excerpts from a new performance called “Mazurka”.
Hosted and produced by Jule Flierl and Mika Hayashi Ebbesen, edited by Mars Dietz and supported by the National Performance Network – Stepping Out, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR Assistance Program for Dance.

14 JUNE 2021
Queer surfaces of the voice
Guests: Emilia Kuryłowicz + Karol Tymiński
This new podcast is a dedicated space for talking about vocal practices and how they are inextricably linked to a deeper investigation of the materiality of breath itself. It emerged from the multiple encounters of the Aerosol Lab, where artists exchanged thoughts and practices around expanded aurality, flesh, masks and membranes. The second episode is a shared conversation with choreographer/performer Karol TymiÅ„ski and artist Emilia KuryÅ‚owicz, accompanied by audio excerpts from their collaboration “DOMINATURE by Kare-Oko”, an interactive performance they debuted in March.
Hosted and produced by Jule Flierl and Mika Hayashi Ebbesen, edited by Mars Dietz and supported by the National Performance Network – Stepping Out, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR Assistance Program for Dance.

2 JUNE 2021
Speech an uncontrollable material
Guest: Siegmar Zacharias
This new podcast is a dedicated space for talking about vocal practices and how they are inextricably linked to a deeper investigation of the materiality of breath itself. It emerged from the multiple encounters of the Aerosol Lab, where artists exchanged thoughts and practices around expanded aurality, flesh, masks and membranes. The first episode is composed of our candid conversation with performance artist and researcher Siegmar Zacharias and excerpts from her recent performance “resisting disconnect”.
Hosted and produced by Jule Flierl and Mika Hayashi Ebbesen, edited by Mars Dietz and supported by the National Performance Network – Stepping Out, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR Assistance Program for Dance.